Fashion Classics- Nancy Drew

‘The Hidden Staircase’ written by Carolyn Keene, 1930.

Fashion Details-

1. Wool and tweed cloche hat

2. Metal flashlight

3. Blue linen with pleat detail dress– Yves Saint Laurent

4. ‘The Hidden Stair Case‘ was the second book in the mystery series written by Carolyn Keene.

5. Leather shoes– Urban Outfitters

6. Orange cotton blend coat– Yves Saint Laurent

7. Earrings– 1928 Jewelry

(Collage- Martha B.)

9 thoughts on “Fashion Classics- Nancy Drew

    1. Stephanie- Ahh…that would be make for an interesting bunch of posts! :) Linda of ‘Each Little World blog’ recommended the Maisie Dobbs mystery series. Have you read any of these?

  1. When was Nancy Drew first published?? Looks like the 1920s from this cover?

    To be honest, I can’t believe Nancy Drew ever wore such things! I read the books in the early 90s so I always imagined her in a long woolen jumper (sweater?), tights, thick socks, climbing boots and a ponytail at the top of her head.

    1. Hi zz- Nancy was first published in 1930…but the early covers do have a 1920’s feel to them. It’s actually fun looking at the progression of fashion on the book covers…

      PS- I think you’d like my post ‘Oversized Shirt Dress’…there’s a hat that’s perfect for Nancy’s ponytail. :)

  2. I’m hoping to dress up as Nancy Drew for next year’s anime convention! one problem; this stuff is all so expensive!

    1. mirosango14- You could use this or one of the many other N.D. book covers for inspiration. And don’t forget places like ebay and goodwill for clothing that’s less expensive. Good luck…and let me know how your costume turns out. :)

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